2What's up with 4UNO and TIP Well, unfortunately we couldn't manage to get through to these guys, because of various reasons, but here are some things we know about them... 3TIP of Phenomena1 seems to have quit the scene. Nowadays he just practically unable to compose any new tracks, because he is spending time in 2Brasil,1 and he is not likely to come back until 94'. Have fun mate! The other swede, 2UNO of Scoopex1 is active, but not drawing for scene projects. He (like hords of othere scene people) is drawing pixels for a 3nice game,1 which will hit the selves next year. BUT! As he has a lot of fab unreleased pictures, you will soon face a Scoopex demo with his astonishing pictures. The code is done by a Danish coder: 2Spycatcher.1 @IPnewsgrafC